Title: Reluctant To Go
Other Title/s: 恋恋不舍 | Liàn Liàn Bù Shě
Author: Bu Bu Xin Qiu (布布星球)
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你们想要的: 总裁√励志√职场√青梅竹马√校园霸凌√…… 这是一个不知道怎么去爱的男人,他需要学习负责、温柔; 这是一个害怕去爱的女人,她需要从逃避自己的命运到勇敢面对一切。
What you want: CEO√ Inspiring√ Office√ Childhood sweethearts√ School bullying√…This is about a man who doesn’t know how to love, he needs to learn responsibility and gentleness; this is about a woman who is afraid to love, she needs to stop escaping her own destiny and face it bravely on.